Articles about Drupal and Technology
We publish articles about Drupal and many other technologies.
oEmbed resources from a custom domain in Drupal
In 2018, Drupal added support for oEmbed in media and the ability to serve them from a subdomain to improve security against XSS attacks. Although the resources are displayed in iframes, doing so under the same domain can be insecure...
What I need to know before enabling the state cache in Drupal 10.3
State Cache, Drupal 10.3.0 introduces a new improvement in the handling of the State API, before enabling it, we'll tell you the keys to ensuring that the site's performance is optimized and there are no issues with the new configuration.
Optimizing Drupal Performance - Internal Page Cache
In this article, we explain how Drupal's Internal Page Cache works, a core module that caches pages for anonymous users, optimizing performance by avoiding repeated rendering. We also provide some recommendations on how to use this module effectively.
Improving headers in a Drupal site using Dries' HTTP Header Analyzer
How we got 10/10 in the Dries' HTTP Header Analyzer tool.
Safe browsing the Internet and the birthday party analogy
HTTP security headers are a security measure that almost nobody uses but they are extremely powerful (and annoying to configure).
Using VLSuite to copy home page
A demonstration of the capabilities of the VLSuite Drupal module by copying the home page using the default features of VLSuite.
DrupalCon Lille 2023
DrupalCon is a series of annual events under the umbrella of the Drupal Association that bring together the global community of Drupal users, developers, designers, and enthusiasts. The events serve as a platform for Drupal professionals to connect, collaborate, learn...
Drupal Updater: Streamlining Drupal Maintenance Updates from CLI
Maintaining a Drupal website involves keeping multiple components up to date, including Drupal modules, themes, vendor packages, and external libraries. This article introduces the Drupal Updater, a console tool helper designed to automate the tedious process of updating these components...
Strategies for overcoming Unrealistic Deadlines in Software Development as a Project Manager
Unrealistic deadlines are a common problem in software development. They can harm the quality of the work, the morale of the team, and overall, the project’s success. This article discusses the dangers of unrealistic deadlines, how to identify them, and...
Drupal Camp Sevilla: how it was?
Thoughts on the Drupal Camp Sevilla that has just ended: the sessions, the community, the Business Day and some unplanned but interesting things.
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