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Quality and environmental policy

The principles that govern the actions that we follow in Quality and Environmental matters are as follows: 

  • Constant concern for customer satisfaction.
  • The achievement of the Quality and Environmental Objectives, with the commitment to the permanent improvement of the Integrated Management System, involving all the company's personnel.
  • The adequacy of Human Resources to these Objectives, through the training that is necessary for the achievement of the foreseen objectives in terms of quality and environment.
  • Continuous improvement:
    • Of the products and services offered, striving to achieve maximum customer satisfaction, within the legal framework established and in force at all times.
    • Environmental management and behavior, through the prevention and analysis of the ultimate causes of problems that arise, not limiting itself only to the detection of these.
    • Customer satisfaction, through the necessary actions to promote the communication of all those needs or suggestions for improvement that allow us to provide a higher quality service.  
  • The commitment to environmental protection, implementing the necessary measures to prevent the possible contamination of soil, atmosphere or water, in the decision-making process, in the planning and execution of activities, so that they are carried out in a way that respects the environment that surrounds us.
  • Compliance with current legislation applicable at the national, regional and local levels and, in the specific case of environmental regulations, with special emphasis on aspects relating to the atmosphere, water and waste, so as to ensure that the business activity is carried out in accordance with these requirements, thus establishing a commitment with all stakeholders.
  • Commitment to comply with other requirements to which the organization subscribes in relation to its environmental aspects.
  • The analysis and evaluation of the actions carried out so far, evidenced by records whose conclusions help to promote the continuous improvement of the management system.
  • Professional ethical behavior at all levels of the organization, in product development and in dealing with customers and suppliers.
  • The dissemination of the Quality and Environmental Policy to all the people who make up the human team of the organization at all levels, as well as the understanding of this policy. 

Based on this Policy and on an annual basis, Management will approve the objectives and goals for the organization, in order to establish the organization's lines of improvement for that period. These objectives will be reviewed annually.  

For any suggestions you may have on any of these aspects, please contact us at the following e-mail address: