Drupal, a powerful content management system, relies on a multi-component ecosystem comprising Drupal modules, themes, vendor packages, and external libraries. Regular updates are essential to keep your Drupal project secure, efficient, and equipped with the latest features. However, managing these updates manually can be time-consuming and error-prone.
The update process typically involves package updates, thorough testing (both automated and manual), and ensuring stability. Automating this process can alleviate the burden of manual labor and allow teams to focus on critical tasks. Furthermore, having a standardized update procedure ensures consistency across the development team.
Additionally, in Drupal, individual modules may introduce configuration changes, making it crucial to isolate these changes in separate commits, combining package updates with the associated configuration. This practice allows for easy rollbacks and commits revert when necessary.
Drupal Updater to the Rescue
The Drupal Updater is a versatile tool compatible with any Drupal 9 and above installation. Its primary function is to detect and update outdated packages listed in the `composer.json` file, along with their associated configuration.
More info and full documentation on GitHub.
Here's how it simplifies the update process:
- Package Detection: The tool identifies all packages listed in your `composer.json` file that have new versions available. It integrates with composer audit and Drupal Update module to detect new versions.
- Sequential Updates: It updates packages one by one, ensuring that the associated configurations are also updated simultaneously. This guarantees that your Drupal project remains coherent and functional.
- Full package version control: The tool respects composer version constraints, giving you complete control over your package versions. You can even freeze a package's version in your `composer.json` file if needed, that way it will never be updated. If this is the case we recommend adding a note with the Composer comments package.
- Specific packages update: you can specify a specific list of packages to be updated also.
- Dependency Handling: The tool also manages dependencies intelligently, ensuring that updates do not cause conflicts or compatibility issues. It relies on each component's composer requirements constraints.
- Security Focus: You have the option to update all packages or only those with security issues, allowing you to prioritize critical updates when the time comes.
- Version Control Integration (GIT): the tool creates a commit with the updated package information and its dependencies.
- Multisite integration: Drupal Updater integrates with Drupal Multisites, allowing you to export the different configurations per site when a package is updated.
- Conflict Resolution (the only manual action): In case of conflicts, the Drupal Updater allows you to focus your efforts on resolving issues saving you time on the previous processes. e.g. rerolling problematic patches or adapting custom code to new package versions. All other aspects of the update process are automated.
Real example
Find a real example of the tool running and its steps in one of your projects:
- Consolidating configuration:
// 1. CONSOLIDATING CONFIGURATION // Running drush cr on the "@self" environment: Running drush cim -y on the "@self" environment: Consolidating @self environment Running drush cex -y on the "@self" environment:
- Checking Packages
// 2. CHECKING PACKAGES // algolia/places aliagadev/inheritlink choices/choices ckeditor/autogrow ckeditor/codemirror ckeditor/codesnippet ckeditor/fakeobjects ckeditor/image ckeditor/link ckeditor/videodetector codemirror/codemirror components/highlightjs composer/installers cweagans/composer-patches d3/d3 drupal-composer/drupal-security-advisories drupal/admin_toolbar drupal/advagg drupal/allowed_formats drupal/antibot drupal/behat_javascript drupal/block_class drupal/ckeditor_bootstrap_buttons drupal/classy_paragraphs drupal/codesnippet drupal/components drupal/config_filter drupal/config_split drupal/config_update drupal/context drupal/core drupal/core-composer-scaffold drupal/crop drupal/ctools drupal/datalayer drupal/datalayer_webform drupal/default_content drupal/devel drupal/draggableviews drupal/editor_advanced_link drupal/embed drupal/entity_reference_revisions drupal/entity_usage drupal/environment_indicator drupal/eu_cookie_compliance drupal/eu_cookie_compliance_matomo drupal/extlink drupal/extra_field_plus drupal/extra_field_set drupal/field_group drupal/field_group_background_image drupal/fontawesome drupal/fvm drupal/gin drupal/google_tag drupal/google_tag_cookies drupal/honeypot drupal/hreflang drupal/image_styles_generator drupal/image_widget_crop drupal/imagemagick drupal/inherit_link drupal/inline_entity_form drupal/jquery_ui drupal/jquery_ui_datepicker drupal/jquery_ui_tabs drupal/jquery_ui_tooltip drupal/libraries drupal/link_icons drupal/matomo drupal/media_library_edit drupal/menu_attributes drupal/menu_block drupal/menu_link_attributes drupal/menu_multilingual drupal/metatag drupal/migrate_default_content drupal/migrate_source_yaml drupal/nagios drupal/node_authlink drupal/paragraphs drupal/paragraphs_previewer drupal/pathauto drupal/rabbit_hole drupal/radix drupal/realname drupal/redirect drupal/reroute_email drupal/schema_metatag drupal/scrollama drupal/simple_sitemap drupal/sitemap drupal/smart_trim drupal/stage_file_proxy drupal/string_field_formatter drupal/styleguide drupal/token drupal/url_embed drupal/views_condition drupal/views_infinite_scroll drupal/viewsreference drupal/webform drupal/xray_audit drupal/yoast_seo drush/drush fengyuanchen/cropper fontawesome/fontawesome idiazroncero/btbutton jquery/chosen jquery/geocomplete jquery/hotkeys jquery/icheck jquery/image-picker jquery/inputmask jquery/intl-tel-input jquery/rateit jquery/select2 jquery/textcounter jquery/timepicker jquery/toggles kenwheeler/slick kint-php/kint metadrop/drupal-artifact-builder metadrop/drupal-dev metadrop/grumphp-php-compatibility mglaman/phpstan-drupal phpcompatibility/php-compatibility phpro/grumphp progress-tracker/progress-tracker psr/cache signature_pad/signature_pad svg-pan-zoom/svg-pan-zoom symfony/deprecation-contracts symfony/string tabby/tabby tippyjs/5.x tippyjs/6.x
- Updating Packages
// 3. UPDATING PACKAGES // [...] /// Updating: drupal/admin_toolbar /// Running drush cr on the "@self" environment: Running drush updb -y on the "@self" environment: Running drush cex -y on the "@self" environment: Updated packages: +----------------------+-------+-------+------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Production Changes | From | To | Compare | +----------------------+-------+-------+------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | drupal/admin_toolbar | 3.4.1 | 3.4.2 | https://git.drupalcode.org/project/admin_toolbar/compare/3.4.1...3.4.2 | +----------------------+-------+-------+------------------------------------------------------------------------+ /// Updating: drupal/advagg /// Running drush cr on the "@self" environment: Running drush updb -y on the "@self" environment: Running drush cex -y on the "@self" environment: Updated packages: /// Updating: drupal/allowed_formats /// Package drupal/allowed_formats has an update available to 3.0.0 version. Due to composer.json constraints, it hasn't been updated. /// Updating: drupal/antibot /// There aren't available updates for drupal/antibot package. /// Updating: drupal/behat_javascript /// Running drush cr on the "@self" environment: Running drush updb -y on the "@self" environment: Running drush cex -y on the "@self" environment: Updated packages: +----------------------------------+---------+---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Production Changes | From | To | Compare | +----------------------------------+---------+---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | doctrine/deprecations | v1.1.1 | 1.1.2 | https://github.com/doctrine/deprecations/compare/v1.1.1...1.1.2 | | laminas/laminas-stdlib | 3.17.0 | 3.18.0 | https://github.com/laminas/laminas-stdlib/compare/3.17.0...3.18.0 | | masterminds/html5 | 2.8.0 | 2.8.1 | https://github.com/Masterminds/html5-php/compare/2.8.0...2.8.1 | | psr/http-client | 1.0.2 | 1.0.3 | https://github.com/php-fig/http-client/compare/1.0.2...1.0.3 | | symfony/polyfill-ctype | v1.27.0 | v1.28.0 | https://github.com/symfony/polyfill-ctype/compare/v1.27.0...v1.28.0 | | symfony/polyfill-intl-idn | v1.27.0 | v1.28.0 | https://github.com/symfony/polyfill-intl-idn/compare/v1.27.0...v1.28.0 | | symfony/polyfill-intl-normalizer | v1.27.0 | v1.28.0 | https://github.com/symfony/polyfill-intl-normalizer/compare/v1.27.0...v1.28.0 | | symfony/polyfill-mbstring | v1.27.0 | v1.28.0 | https://github.com/symfony/polyfill-mbstring/compare/v1.27.0...v1.28.0 | | symfony/polyfill-php72 | v1.27.0 | v1.28.0 | https://github.com/symfony/polyfill-php72/compare/v1.27.0...v1.28.0 | | symfony/polyfill-php73 | v1.27.0 | v1.28.0 | https://github.com/symfony/polyfill-php73/compare/v1.27.0...v1.28.0 | | symfony/polyfill-php80 | v1.27.0 | v1.28.0 | https://github.com/symfony/polyfill-php80/compare/v1.27.0...v1.28.0 | +----------------------------------+---------+---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------------------------+---------+---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Dev Changes | From | To | Compare | +---------------------------------+---------+---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | friends-of-behat/mink-extension | v2.7.2 | v2.7.4 | https://github.com/FriendsOfBehat/MinkExtension/compare/v2.7.2...v2.7.4 | | phpdocumentor/type-resolver | 1.7.2 | 1.7.3 | https://github.com/phpDocumentor/TypeResolver/compare/1.7.2...1.7.3 | | symfony/polyfill-php81 | v1.27.0 | v1.28.0 | https://github.com/symfony/polyfill-php81/compare/v1.27.0...v1.28.0 | +---------------------------------+---------+---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ /// Updating: drupal/block_class /// There aren't available updates for drupal/block_class package. /// Updating: drupal/ckeditor_bootstrap_buttons /// Running drush cr on the "@self" environment: Running drush updb -y on the "@self" environment: Running drush cex -y on the "@self" environment: Updated packages: +--------------------+-------+-------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Production Changes | From | To | Compare | +--------------------+-------+-------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | drupal/ckeditor | 1.0.1 | 1.0.2 | https://git.drupalcode.org/project/ckeditor/compare/1.0.1...1.0.2 | +--------------------+-------+-------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ /// Updating: drupal/classy_paragraphs /// There aren't available updates for drupal/classy_paragraphs package. /// Updating: drupal/codesnippet /// Running drush cr on the "@self" environment: Running drush updb -y on the "@self" environment: Running drush cex -y on the "@self" environment: Updated packages: +---------------------------------------------+--------+--------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Production Changes | From | To | Compare | +---------------------------------------------+--------+--------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | drupal-ckeditor-libraries-group/codesnippet | 4.20.1 | 4.22.1 | https://github.com/drupal-ckeditor-libraries-group/codesnippet/compare/4.20.1...4.22.1 | +---------------------------------------------+--------+--------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ /// Updating: drupal/components /// There aren't available updates for drupal/components package. /// Updating: drupal/config_filter /// There aren't available updates for drupal/config_filter package. /// Updating: drupal/config_split /// There aren't available updates for drupal/config_split package. /// Updating: drupal/config_update /// There aren't available updates for drupal/config_update package. /// Updating: drupal/context /// There aren't available updates for drupal/context package. /// Updating: drupal/core /// Running drush cr on the "@self" environment: Running drush updb -y on the "@self" environment: Running drush cex -y on the "@self" environment: Updated packages: +--------------------------------+---------+---------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Production Changes | From | To | Compare | +--------------------------------+---------+---------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | composer/semver | 3.3.2 | 3.4.0 | https://github.com/composer/semver/compare/3.3.2...3.4.0 | | doctrine/reflection | 1.2.3 | 1.2.4 | https://github.com/doctrine/reflection/compare/1.2.3...1.2.4 | | drupal/core | 9.5.9 | 9.5.11 | https://github.com/drupal/core/compare/9.5.9...9.5.11 | | laminas/laminas-feed | 2.20.0 | 2.21.0 | https://github.com/laminas/laminas-feed/compare/2.20.0...2.21.0 | | laminas/laminas-servicemanager | 3.21.0 | REMOVED | | | symfony/polyfill-iconv | v1.27.0 | v1.28.0 | https://github.com/symfony/polyfill-iconv/compare/v1.27.0...v1.28.0 | | symfony/var-dumper | v5.4.24 | v5.4.29 | https://github.com/symfony/var-dumper/compare/v5.4.24...v5.4.29 | +--------------------------------+---------+---------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ /// Updating: drupal/core-composer-scaffold /// Updated packages: +-------------------------------+-------+--------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Production Changes | From | To | Compare | +-------------------------------+-------+--------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | drupal/core-composer-scaffold | 9.5.9 | 9.5.11 | https://github.com/drupal/core-composer-scaffold/compare/9.5.9...9.5.11 | +-------------------------------+-------+--------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ /// Updating: drupal/crop /// There aren't available updates for drupal/crop package. /// Updating: drupal/ctools /// There aren't available updates for drupal/ctools package. /// Updating: drupal/datalayer /// Package drupal/datalayer has an update available to 2.0.1 version. Due to composer.json constraints, it hasn't been updated. /// Updating: drupal/datalayer_webform /// There aren't available updates for drupal/datalayer_webform package. /// Updating: drupal/default_content /// There aren't available updates for drupal/default_content package. /// Updating: drupal/devel /// There aren't available updates for drupal/devel package. /// Updating: drupal/draggableviews /// There aren't available updates for drupal/draggableviews package. /// Updating: drupal/editor_advanced_link /// Running drush cr on the "@self" environment: Running drush updb -y on the "@self" environment: Running drush cex -y on the "@self" environment: Updated packages: +-----------------------------+-------+-------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Production Changes | From | To | Compare | +-----------------------------+-------+-------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | drupal/editor_advanced_link | 2.1.1 | 2.2.4 | https://git.drupalcode.org/project/editor_advanced_link/compare/2.1.1...2.2.4 | +-----------------------------+-------+-------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ [...]
- Reporting:
// 4. REPORT // +---------------------------------------------+--------------+---------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Production Changes | From | To | Compare | +---------------------------------------------+--------------+---------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | composer/ca-bundle | 1.3.6 | 1.3.7 | https://github.com/composer/ca-bundle/compare/1.3.6...1.3.7 | | composer/semver | 3.3.2 | 3.4.0 | https://github.com/composer/semver/compare/3.3.2...3.4.0 | | consolidation/output-formatters | 4.3.1 | 4.3.2 | https://github.com/consolidation/output-formatters/compare/4.3.1...4.3.2 | | doctrine/deprecations | v1.1.1 | 1.1.2 | https://github.com/doctrine/deprecations/compare/v1.1.1...1.1.2 | | doctrine/reflection | 1.2.3 | 1.2.4 | https://github.com/doctrine/reflection/compare/1.2.3...1.2.4 | | drupal-ckeditor-libraries-group/codesnippet | 4.20.1 | 4.22.1 | https://github.com/drupal-ckeditor-libraries-group/codesnippet/compare/4.20.1...4.22.1 | | drupal/admin_toolbar | 3.4.1 | 3.4.2 | https://git.drupalcode.org/project/admin_toolbar/compare/3.4.1...3.4.2 | | drupal/ckeditor | 1.0.1 | 1.0.2 | https://git.drupalcode.org/project/ckeditor/compare/1.0.1...1.0.2 | | drupal/core | 9.5.9 | 9.5.11 | https://github.com/drupal/core/compare/9.5.9...9.5.11 | | drupal/core-composer-scaffold | 9.5.9 | 9.5.11 | https://github.com/drupal/core-composer-scaffold/compare/9.5.9...9.5.11 | | drupal/editor_advanced_link | 2.1.1 | 2.2.4 | https://git.drupalcode.org/project/editor_advanced_link/compare/2.1.1...2.2.4 | | drupal/environment_indicator | 4.0.14 | 4.0.16 | https://git.drupalcode.org/project/environment_indicator/compare/4.0.14...4.0.16 | | drupal/eu_cookie_compliance_matomo | 1.0.5 | 1.0.6 | https://git.drupalcode.org/project/eu_cookie_compliance_matomo/compare/1.0.5...1.0.6 | | drupal/file_mdm | 2.5.0 | 2.6.0 | https://git.drupalcode.org/project/file_mdm/compare/2.5.0...2.6.0 | | drupal/fontawesome | 2.25.0 | 2.26.0 | https://git.drupalcode.org/project/fontawesome/compare/2.25.0...2.26.0 | | drupal/gin | 3.0.0-rc3 | 3.0.0-rc6 | https://git.drupalcode.org/project/gin/compare/3.0.0-rc3...3.0.0-rc6 | | drupal/gin_toolbar | 1.0.0-rc1 | 1.0.0-rc3 | https://git.drupalcode.org/project/gin_toolbar/compare/1.0.0-rc1...1.0.0-rc3 | | drupal/honeypot | 2.1.2 | 2.1.3 | https://git.drupalcode.org/project/honeypot/compare/2.1.2...2.1.3 | | drupal/libraries | 4.0.3 | 4.0.4 | https://git.drupalcode.org/project/libraries/compare/4.0.3...4.0.4 | | drupal/link_icons | 3.1.0-rc1 | 3.1.0-rc2 | https://git.drupalcode.org/project/link_icons/compare/3.1.0-rc1...3.1.0-rc2 | | drupal/metatag | 1.25.0 | 1.26.0 | https://git.drupalcode.org/project/metatag/compare/1.25.0...1.26.0 | | drupal/node_authlink | bdfdd7d | c2c1f6e | https://git.drupalcode.org/project/node_authlink/compare/bdfdd7d...c2c1f6e | | drupal/paragraphs | 1.15.0 | 1.16.0 | https://git.drupalcode.org/project/paragraphs/compare/1.15.0...1.16.0 | | drupal/radix | 5.0.6 | 5.0.11 | https://git.drupalcode.org/project/radix/compare/5.0.6...5.0.11 | | drupal/redirect | 1.8.0 | 1.9.0 | https://git.drupalcode.org/project/redirect/compare/1.8.0...1.9.0 | | drupal/reroute_email | 2.2.0 | 2.2.1 | https://git.drupalcode.org/project/reroute_email/compare/2.2.0...2.2.1 | | drupal/schema_metatag | 2.4.0 | 2.5.0 | https://git.drupalcode.org/project/schema_metatag/compare/2.4.0...2.5.0 | | drupal/stage_file_proxy | 2.0.2 | 2.1.1 | https://git.drupalcode.org/project/stage_file_proxy/compare/2.0.2...2.1.1 | | drupal/string_field_formatter | 2.0.0 | 2.0.2 | https://git.drupalcode.org/project/string_field_formatter/compare/2.0.0...2.0.2 | | drupal/token | 1.11.0 | 1.12.0 | https://git.drupalcode.org/project/token/compare/1.11.0...1.12.0 | | drupal/views_infinite_scroll | 2.0.1 | 2.0.2 | https://git.drupalcode.org/project/views_infinite_scroll/compare/2.0.1...2.0.2 | | drupal/viewsreference | 2.0.0-beta4 | 2.0.0-beta6 | https://git.drupalcode.org/project/viewsreference/compare/2.0.0-beta4...2.0.0-beta6 | | drupal/xray_audit | 1.3.1 | 1.5.0 | https://git.drupalcode.org/project/xray_audit/compare/1.3.1...1.5.0 | | drupal/yoast_seo | 2.0.0-alpha8 | 2.0.0-alpha10 | https://git.drupalcode.org/project/yoast_seo/compare/2.0.0-alpha8...2.0.0-alpha10 | | fileeye/mimemap | 2.0.1 | 2.0.2 | https://github.com/FileEye/MimeMap/compare/2.0.1...2.0.2 | | kint-php/kint | 5.0.5 | 5.0.7 | https://github.com/kint-php/kint/compare/5.0.5...5.0.7 | | laminas/laminas-feed | 2.20.0 | 2.21.0 | https://github.com/laminas/laminas-feed/compare/2.20.0...2.21.0 | | laminas/laminas-servicemanager | 3.21.0 | REMOVED | | | laminas/laminas-stdlib | 3.17.0 | 3.18.0 | https://github.com/laminas/laminas-stdlib/compare/3.17.0...3.18.0 | | lsolesen/pel | 0.9.12 | REMOVED | | | masterminds/html5 | 2.8.0 | 2.8.1 | https://github.com/Masterminds/html5-php/compare/2.8.0...2.8.1 | | nikic/php-parser | v4.15.5 | v4.17.1 | https://github.com/nikic/PHP-Parser/compare/v4.15.5...v4.17.1 | | psr/http-client | 1.0.2 | 1.0.3 | https://github.com/php-fig/http-client/compare/1.0.2...1.0.3 | | psy/psysh | v0.11.18 | v0.11.21 | https://github.com/bobthecow/psysh/compare/v0.11.18...v0.11.21 | | symfony/polyfill-ctype | v1.27.0 | v1.28.0 | https://github.com/symfony/polyfill-ctype/compare/v1.27.0...v1.28.0 | | symfony/polyfill-iconv | v1.27.0 | v1.28.0 | https://github.com/symfony/polyfill-iconv/compare/v1.27.0...v1.28.0 | | symfony/polyfill-intl-grapheme | v1.27.0 | v1.28.0 | https://github.com/symfony/polyfill-intl-grapheme/compare/v1.27.0...v1.28.0 | | symfony/polyfill-intl-idn | v1.27.0 | v1.28.0 | https://github.com/symfony/polyfill-intl-idn/compare/v1.27.0...v1.28.0 | | symfony/polyfill-intl-normalizer | v1.27.0 | v1.28.0 | https://github.com/symfony/polyfill-intl-normalizer/compare/v1.27.0...v1.28.0 | | symfony/polyfill-mbstring | v1.27.0 | v1.28.0 | https://github.com/symfony/polyfill-mbstring/compare/v1.27.0...v1.28.0 | | symfony/polyfill-php72 | v1.27.0 | v1.28.0 | https://github.com/symfony/polyfill-php72/compare/v1.27.0...v1.28.0 | | symfony/polyfill-php73 | v1.27.0 | v1.28.0 | https://github.com/symfony/polyfill-php73/compare/v1.27.0...v1.28.0 | | symfony/polyfill-php80 | v1.27.0 | v1.28.0 | https://github.com/symfony/polyfill-php80/compare/v1.27.0...v1.28.0 | | symfony/string | v6.3.0 | v6.3.5 | https://github.com/symfony/string/compare/v6.3.0...v6.3.5 | | symfony/var-dumper | v5.4.24 | v5.4.29 | https://github.com/symfony/var-dumper/compare/v5.4.24...v5.4.29 | | fileeye/pel | NEW | 0.9.20 | | +---------------------------------------------+--------------+---------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +------------------------------------+----------+----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Dev Changes | From | To | Compare | +------------------------------------+----------+----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | composer/composer | 2.2.21 | 2.2.22 | https://github.com/composer/composer/compare/2.2.21...2.2.22 | | drupal/coder | 8.3.20 | 8.3.21 | https://github.com/pfrenssen/coder/compare/8.3.20...8.3.21 | | friends-of-behat/mink-extension | v2.7.2 | v2.7.4 | https://github.com/FriendsOfBehat/MinkExtension/compare/v2.7.2...v2.7.4 | | justinrainbow/json-schema | 5.2.12 | v5.2.13 | https://github.com/justinrainbow/json-schema/compare/5.2.12...v5.2.13 | | metadrop/behat-contexts | v1.13.1 | v1.13.5 | https://github.com/Metadrop/behat-contexts/compare/v1.13.1...v1.13.5 | | metadrop/drupal-updater | 1.7.0 | 1.8.0 | https://github.com/Metadrop/drupal-updater/compare/1.7.0...1.8.0 | | metadrop/scripthor | v2.5.0 | v2.6.0 | https://github.com/Metadrop/scripthor/compare/v2.5.0...v2.6.0 | | mglaman/phpstan-drupal | 1.1.35 | 1.2.0 | https://github.com/mglaman/phpstan-drupal/compare/1.1.35...1.2.0 | | pdepend/pdepend | 2.14.0 | 2.15.1 | https://github.com/pdepend/pdepend/compare/2.14.0...2.15.1 | | phpcompatibility/php-compatibility | 1f82405 | 302dffe | https://github.com/PHPCompatibility/PHPCompatibility/compare/1f82405...302dffe | | phpcsstandards/phpcsutils | 1.0.6 | 1.0.8 | https://github.com/PHPCSStandards/PHPCSUtils/compare/1.0.6...1.0.8 | | phpdocumentor/type-resolver | 1.7.2 | 1.7.3 | https://github.com/phpDocumentor/TypeResolver/compare/1.7.2...1.7.3 | | phpmd/phpmd | 2.13.0 | 2.14.1 | https://github.com/phpmd/phpmd/compare/2.13.0...2.14.1 | | phpstan/phpdoc-parser | 1.20.4 | 1.24.2 | https://github.com/phpstan/phpdoc-parser/compare/1.20.4...1.24.2 | | phpstan/phpstan | 1.10.19 | 1.10.37 | https://github.com/phpstan/phpstan/compare/1.10.19...1.10.37 | | phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules | 1.1.3 | 1.1.4 | https://github.com/phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules/compare/1.1.3...1.1.4 | | phpunit/php-code-coverage | 9.2.26 | 9.2.29 | https://github.com/sebastianbergmann/php-code-coverage/compare/9.2.26...9.2.29 | | phpunit/phpunit | 9.6.9 | 9.6.13 | https://github.com/sebastianbergmann/phpunit/compare/9.6.9...9.6.13 | | sebastian/global-state | 5.0.5 | 5.0.6 | https://github.com/sebastianbergmann/global-state/compare/5.0.5...5.0.6 | | sirbrillig/phpcs-variable-analysis | v2.11.16 | v2.11.17 | https://github.com/sirbrillig/phpcs-variable-analysis/compare/v2.11.16...v2.11.17 | | slevomat/coding-standard | 8.12.1 | 8.13.4 | https://github.com/slevomat/coding-standard/compare/8.12.1...8.13.4 | | symfony/phpunit-bridge | v5.4.23 | v5.4.26 | https://github.com/symfony/phpunit-bridge/compare/v5.4.23...v5.4.26 | | symfony/polyfill-php81 | v1.27.0 | v1.28.0 | https://github.com/symfony/polyfill-php81/compare/v1.27.0...v1.28.0 | +------------------------------------+----------+----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ /// Not Updated Packages (Direct): /// drupal-composer/drupal-security-advisories 9.x-dev 9cfc00d ! 9.x-dev 0625017 drupal/allowed_formats 2.0.0 ~ 3.0.0 drupal/core 9.5.11 ~ 10.1.5 drupal/core-composer-scaffold 9.5.11 ~ 10.1.5 drupal/datalayer 1.0.0 ~ 2.0.1 drupal/google_tag 1.6.0 ~ 2.0.2 drupal/inline_entity_form 1.0.0-rc15 ~ 2.0.0-rc9 drupal/metatag 1.26.0 ~ 2.0.0 drupal/schema_metatag 2.5.0 ~ 3.0.1 drush/drush 11.6.0 ~ 12.2.0 metadrop/drupal-dev v0.3.0 ~ v1.1.0 phpro/grumphp v1.5.1 ~ v2.1.0 /// Not Updated Packages (ALL): /// Direct dependencies required in composer.json: drupal-composer/drupal-security-advisories 9.x-dev 9cfc00d ! 9.x-dev 0625017 drupal/allowed_formats 2.0.0 ~ 3.0.0 drupal/core 9.5.11 ~ 10.1.5 drupal/core-composer-scaffold 9.5.11 ~ 10.1.5 drupal/datalayer 1.0.0 ~ 2.0.1 drupal/google_tag 1.6.0 ~ 2.0.2 drupal/inline_entity_form 1.0.0-rc15 ~ 2.0.0-rc9 drupal/metatag 1.26.0 ~ 2.0.0 drupal/schema_metatag 2.5.0 ~ 3.0.1 drush/drush 11.6.0 ~ 12.2.0 metadrop/drupal-dev v0.3.0 ~ v1.1.0 phpro/grumphp v1.5.1 ~ v2.1.0 Transitive dependencies not required in composer.json: amphp/amp v2.6.2 ~ v3.0.0 amphp/byte-stream v1.8.1 ~ v2.0.2 amphp/parallel v1.4.3 ~ v2.2.2 amphp/parallel-functions v1.0.0 ! v1.1.0 amphp/process v1.1.4 ~ v2.0.1 amphp/sync v1.4.2 ~ v2.1.0 asm89/stack-cors 1.3.0 ~ v2.1.1 behat/mink-browserkit-driver v1.4.1 ~ v2.1.0 behat/mink-goutte-driver v1.3.0 ~ v2.0.0 Package behat/mink-goutte-driver is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use behat/mink-browserkit-driver instead. chi-teck/drupal-code-generator 2.6.2 ~ 3.2.0 composer/composer 2.2.22 ! 2.6.4 composer/pcre 1.0.1 ~ 3.1.0 consolidation/log 2.1.1 ~ 3.0.0 consolidation/robo 4.0.2 ! 4.0.6 consolidation/site-alias 3.1.7 ~ 4.0.1 consolidation/site-process 4.2.1 ~ 5.2.0 dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer v0.7.2 ~ v1.0.0 doctrine/annotations 1.14.3 ~ 2.0.1 doctrine/collections 1.8.0 ~ 2.1.4 doctrine/lexer 2.1.0 ~ 3.0.0 doctrine/reflection 1.2.4 = 1.2.4 Package doctrine/reflection is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use roave/better-reflection instead. drupal/core-dev 9.1.15 ~ 10.1.5 drupal/file_mdm 2.6.0 ~ 3.0.0 drupal/sophron 1.3.0 ~ 2.0.1 egulias/email-validator 3.2.6 ~ 4.0.1 fabpot/goutte v3.3.1 ~ v4.0.3 Package fabpot/goutte is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use symfony/browser-kit instead. grasmash/expander 2.0.3 ~ 3.0.0 guzzlehttp/guzzle 6.5.8 ~ 7.8.0 guzzlehttp/promises 1.5.3 ~ 2.0.1 guzzlehttp/psr7 1.9.1 ~ 2.6.1 metadrop/scripthor v2.6.0 ~ v3.0.0 monolog/monolog 2.9.1 ~ 3.4.0 phploc/phploc 7.0.2 = 7.0.2 Package phploc/phploc is abandoned, you should avoid using it. No replacement was suggested. phpunit/php-code-coverage 9.2.29 ~ 10.1.7 phpunit/php-file-iterator 3.0.6 ~ 4.1.0 phpunit/php-invoker 3.1.1 ~ 4.0.0 phpunit/php-text-template 2.0.4 ~ 3.0.1 phpunit/php-timer 5.0.3 ~ 6.0.0 phpunit/phpunit 9.6.13 ~ 10.3.5 psr/container 1.1.2 ~ 2.0.2 psr/http-message 1.1 ~ 2.0 psr/log 1.1.4 ~ 3.0.0 react/promise v2.10.0 ~ v3.0.0 sebastian/cli-parser 1.0.1 ~ 2.0.0 sebastian/code-unit 1.0.8 ~ 2.0.0 sebastian/code-unit-reverse-lookup 2.0.3 ~ 3.0.0 sebastian/comparator 4.0.8 ~ 5.0.1 sebastian/complexity 2.0.2 ~ 3.1.0 sebastian/diff 4.0.5 ~ 5.0.3 sebastian/environment 5.1.5 ~ 6.0.1 sebastian/exporter 4.0.5 ~ 5.1.1 sebastian/global-state 5.0.6 ~ 6.0.1 sebastian/lines-of-code 1.0.3 ~ 2.0.1 sebastian/object-enumerator 4.0.4 ~ 5.0.0 sebastian/object-reflector 2.0.4 ~ 3.0.0 sebastian/phpcpd 6.0.3 = 6.0.3 Package sebastian/phpcpd is abandoned, you should avoid using it. No replacement was suggested. sebastian/recursion-context 4.0.5 ~ 5.0.0 sebastian/type 3.2.1 ~ 4.0.0 sebastian/version 3.0.2 ~ 4.0.1 symfony-cmf/routing 2.3.4 ~ 3.0.1 symfony/browser-kit v4.4.44 ~ v6.3.2 symfony/config v4.4.44 ~ v6.3.2 symfony/console v4.4.49 ~ v6.3.4 symfony/css-selector v4.4.44 ~ v6.3.2 symfony/debug v4.4.44 = v4.4.44 Package symfony/debug is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use symfony/error-handler instead. symfony/dependency-injection v4.4.49 ~ v6.3.5 symfony/dom-crawler v4.4.45 ~ v6.3.4 symfony/dotenv v5.4.22 ~ v6.3.0 symfony/error-handler v4.4.44 ~ v6.3.5 symfony/event-dispatcher v4.4.44 ~ v6.3.2 symfony/event-dispatcher-contracts v1.1.13 ~ v3.3.0 symfony/filesystem v4.4.42 ~ v6.3.1 symfony/finder v4.4.44 ~ v6.3.5 symfony/http-client-contracts v2.5.2 ~ v3.3.0 symfony/http-foundation v4.4.49 ~ v6.3.5 symfony/http-kernel v4.4.50 ~ v6.3.5 symfony/lock v4.4.46 ~ v6.3.2 symfony/mime v5.4.13 ~ v6.3.5 symfony/options-resolver v5.4.21 ~ v6.3.0 symfony/phpunit-bridge v5.4.26 ~ v6.3.2 symfony/process v4.4.44 ~ v6.3.4 symfony/psr-http-message-bridge v2.1.4 ! v2.3.1 symfony/routing v4.4.44 ~ v6.3.5 symfony/serializer v4.4.47 ~ v6.3.5 symfony/service-contracts v2.5.2 ~ v3.3.0 symfony/translation v4.4.47 ~ v6.3.3 symfony/translation-contracts v2.5.2 ~ v3.3.0 symfony/validator v4.4.48 ~ v6.3.5 symfony/var-dumper v5.4.29 ~ v6.3.5 symfony/yaml v4.4.45 ~ v6.3.3 twig/twig v2.15.5 ~ v3.7.1 webmozart/path-util 2.3.0 = 2.3.0 Package webmozart/path-util is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use symfony/filesystem instead. /// Not Updated Securities (ALL): /// /// Unsupported Drupal modules: /// No obsolete modules have been found. Perhaps Update module is not installed?
Automating the Full Process
To streamline the entire update process, we leverage Jenkins to automate the Drupal Updater. Here's an overview of how the automation process works:
- Scheduled Updates: Jenkins is configured to run the Drupal Updater tool automatically at regular intervals or specific trigger events.
- Launch the project: release your code and launch a new instance of your project.
- Branch Creation: Create a new branch to isolate the updates from the main development branch, ensuring a controlled environment for testing.
- Run the tool
- Push the code to the repository and create a new Merge Request
- Let the Automated Testing run: A suite of automated tests (e.g. PhpUnit, Behat, BackstopJs) is executed to verify the stability and functionality of the updated project.
- Code Review: After the automated tests pass successfully, the development team reviews the changes and ensures they meet the project's quality standards.
- Merge and Release: Once the updates are approved, they are merged into the main development branch and deployed to the production environment.

Jenkins Pipeline

GitLab Commits on Update Branch
Updating a PHP project based on Composer, especially Drupal projects, can be a challenging task for developers. Dependency conflicts, configuration issues, multisite challenges, and the time-consuming nature and error-prone of the update process are just some of the difficulties that developers face when done manually.
The Drupal Updater provides an efficient solution to this problem, automating package updates, configuration management, and dependency handling. By integrating this tool into your development workflow and automating it with your CI/CD tool (optional), you can ensure that your Drupal projects are always up to date, secure, and ready for new features.
In summary, the Drupal updater package is a great ally for developers working on Drupal projects. It simplifies the update process and helps ensure that the project remains up-to-date, secure, and reliable. By using the Drupal updater package, developers can focus on developing great features for their projects instead of spending hours dealing with update issues that can be easily automated.
Future Work / References
The Drupal Updater is a valuable tool for Drupal maintenance we love to share with the community. We have been using it internally for more than a year, first as Bash scripts and later ported to PHP. It greatly helps us to maintain our Drupal projects and we think it can help others too. There is always room for improvement, we encourage you to provide feedback and help evolve this awesome tool in Github.